Sunday, August 07, 2005

Summing up

A little early, but I'd rather do this while I'm in one of my periods of a reasonably conscious state. If the last four posts are gobbledygook, I don't want to have not said these things.

First, to the 11 individuals who have pledged a combined total of $245 to Doctors Without Borders in support of my efforts here, thank you from the bottom of my heart. This is my first Blogathon, and from my perspective it's been a resounding success: I set a modest, but worthwhile, goal and you guys have come within $1.20 of doubling it.

What will your $245 buy? Here's a list. How about a day's food for 1400 children?

Oops, gotta post. I guess I need to remain on the ball for another post or two.

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