Tuesday, December 05, 2023

Short Test Run with the New Scooter CDI

Not really any change, but I suppose outdoor temperature, etc. might be involved:

I suspect the scooter may have already been as "de-restricted" as possible when I bought it, and that the only way to really goose it up much is a bigger bore. Slightly bigger CVT weights might help a little.

As I've mentioned before, all that will likely wait until spring, if I do it at all.

Even assuming an average speed of 25mph and not pushing it very hard very often, that's just an hour and 20 minutes from my house to Rum 138 (a kayak outfitter near Fort White, in turn located near a friend's house), or about two hours to Cedar Key, or a little over three to Jacksonville.

Heck, in five hours or so I could get to Clearwater or Tampa! Or 14-15 hours -- a hard day's ride! -- would even take me to Miami or Atlanta, or 24 (panniers and camping gear!) to New Orleans.

I see those first two destinations in the cards fairly soon, maybe even one of them this month. But of course most of my riding will be within 10 miles or so of Gainesville, and most of it will be on low-speed-limit streets. So I'm good for now.

Also: Reader Thane Eichenauer's 150cc scooter has been stolen! If you live in the Phoenix, Arizona area, please keep an eye out for it.

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