Saturday, December 23, 2023

Scooter Update

I went out this morning and bought starter fluid and Heet (to get moisture out of the gasoline). With the help of a jump-start battery pack (I've been draining the battery trying to start the machine), with the air filter removed and using starter fluid, I got it going and it seemed to have a little more power (more like 25-30mph than 15-20mph).

It's got power and spark. I've fiddled with the air (wide open, manually choked, filter on) with no discernible changes. And I can get it started sometimes, and when not the starter grinds along, so I don't think it's the starter mechanism.

So, it's a fuel problem. I'm hoping that after the Heet has had some time to work, it will be back to full power. If not (unless my mechanic friend is feeling better and has suggestions), then I'll drain the gas tank and refill it. I suppose it's possible that I got bad fuel -- maybe the station had regular flowing through its premium pump and I've not got enough octane? -- or that there's a lot more moisture in the system that hasn't come out yet. I know there's some kind of "moisture pot" under the carburetor, but I haven't figured out how to get to that yet. It could also be the petcock or fuel filter, but I just replaced the latter. It's not "vapor lock," because I've tried everything with the gas cap off.

Mysteries, mysteries.

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