Thursday, December 28, 2023

Just Got Back ...

... from lunch with reader GL, whom I appreciate a great deal, and which reminded me to let the rest of you know I appreciate you a lot too. I wish all of you a happy 2024!

While I was out, I also stopped by the shop where I bought the scootie (I'm fascinated with that name after reading a report from India calling them that (and telling me about how two were seized by police in Kashmir after their young riders posted a video of dangerous road stunting) and talked with the guy there about two things:

  1. What I should move into scootie-wise if I want to do much freeway riding. He said 250cc or above and don't let me talk anyone into a 150cc for anything more frequent than occasional exit-to-exit action. He only keeps 50cc vehicles in stock, but said to get back to him with my desire and price range when I'm ready and he's sure he can get me something new or used.
  2. The operating condition of the current scootie. After describing the behavior and the conditions under which it occurred, he opined that a good carburetor cleaning will almost certainly set things right. And as it happened, cleaning or replacing (I have a spare already) the carb was my next guess already. So as soon as I have access to my mechanic friend's garage/tools/advice, I'll get that done. No point in opening the thing up to the elements (it's slightly rainy this week) with a minimal tool set and very little knowledge. But I'm hopeful that the thing will be running by some time this weekend (if I hadn't mentioned it, yesterday I drained the gas tank and refilled it with fresh fuel and fuel treatment, to no effect).

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