Saturday, August 19, 2023

OK, Let's Talk About That Song ...

You know the one:

It seems to have both found an audience and stirred a little controversy.

On the controversy side, I don't really find much to dislike. I'm not exactly sure who's "milking" welfare. Not saying it doesn't happen, but I suspect that's on the small end of the problem and maybe mars the song's perfection just a little. I'm not sure it really captures my politics entirely, but it gets at some things people really should be upset about.

But I'm really more interested in the music and the musician.

I've heard the song called "bluegrass." I wouldn't call it that. Bluegrass is generally played by combos (guitar -- regular and/or "dobro" -- banjo, mandolin, fiddle, bass fiddle). It's also usually up-tempo.

This is a slow song, and it's just a singer and his Gretsch resonator guitar ("dobro" style, although not the brand name the term comes from; I want that damn guitar, btw).

I'd just call this hillbilly music. Related to bluegrass, certainly. And I like all varieties of hillbilly music, bluegrass included.

It's just hands down a good song in my opinion. Relatively simple guitar line, heartfelt lyrics. I don't have to agree with every jot and tittle of the politics to like it.

As for the singer, he's a factory worker who supposedly turned down big-time  record deal offers. "I don't want to play stadium shows, I don't want to be in the spotlight. ... No editing, no agent, no bullshit. Just some idiot and his guitar. The style of music that we should never have gotten away from in the first place."

Amen. I'm just an idiot with a guitar (OK, several guitars), too and I wish I had this guy's obvious talent.

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