Thursday, August 10, 2023

Bucket List Item Checked Off

I'm frequently over at my neighbor's/friend's/go-to mechanic's shop doing minor tasks that require little or no mechanical aptitude ("hand me a ratchet with a 10mm socket on it," "can you pull the right front tire while I'm doing real mechanic shit over here?" etc.). I'll never be a real mechanic myself, but I find it interesting and we also share other interests to gab about (Marvel Cinematic Universe, for example).

So anyway, one of the things he's been doing this week is installing a nitrous oxide rig in a Pontiac GTO.

Now I can say I've been in a car accelerating under a 50-horsepower NOS shot. Significant push back into the seat. I don't think he took it over 90 or so. He was just making sure the nitrous was getting into the fuel mix to do its thing. But still very nice. I've already called dibs on a crew spot for the Honda Civic he's building as a drag car for himself.

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