Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Street Legal, C'est Moi

Florida's web site requirements listings are confusing, but as gummint people go the people at our local tax/license offices are just stellar.

I took the mandatory four-hour online course explaining to me that drinking and driving is bad.

I scheduled an appointment to take the driving test.

When I got there, it turns out there was an additional written test that I had to take, and I could take one or the other today because there wouldn't be time for both.

BUT! The confusing web site requirements had mentione that if I had previously held a driver's license from any state, I might not have to take all the tests. Since my old Missouri license had expired in 2006 or so, I figured that wouldn't help, but I told the lady about it, she pulled it up, and said "OK, no tests, you get a driver's license." Other than the $50+ fee, it was painless as could be.

Scooters are definitely not real winter vehicles. Even at 50-some degrees fahrenheit, I was cold underneath a thermal shirt, a t-shirt, a polypropylene cycling jacket, and a sweat jacket (I rode the scooter into town, then with Tamara in the car for the test, then back to the scooter and home -- 20 miles or more, quite a bit of it at max speed because it was two-lane highway).

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