Monday, November 20, 2023

I Am Not Good At Painting

But I'm in the middle of spray painting the rear side panels on the scooter yellow. They're in terrible shape and sanding didn't seem to help much at all. If I keep this scooter for very long, I will probably either pull them off and use a power sander, then use my friend's real paint rig to do them, or just buy new aftermarket ones.

The nice thing about a $600 scooter is that it's inherntly a project bike. Apart from tax and plate fee (but I repeat myself), the thing cost about as much as my cheap electric bicycle. If I ruin the look, I can try again or not. If I blow the engine, I can spend $250 on a new one or junk the bike. And I'm already enjoying riding on two wheels and an internal combustion engine so much that I'm thinking "motorcycle" a lot.

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