Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Caryn Ann Harlos Makes One Of My Old Pieces FAR More Interesting

This is the piece in question.

Here's what Caryn Ann did with it:

If you're interested in both the current and historical matters in the libertarian movement and the Libertarian Party, I think you'll find it quite informative. And Caryn Ann's podcasts are always interesting, and I'm flattered that she was able to do something useful with my old essay that added a crap ton of value to it.

Some side notes:

  • I'm getting this one in ASAP, because it's important. If you like what Caryn Ann's doing, support her via Patreon. Her recent break with the Mises PAC / LNC over their shilling for the Trump campaign has apparently cost her dearly in that respect. And of course mash that subscribe button on her YouTube channel. Self-aggrandizing self-reference: I was her very first podcast financial patron; I think that was before Patreon even existed, but I'm not sure, and it was before this particular podcast title/format. I'm supporting her work again now.
  • I sometimes get weird looks from people when I tell them I consider Caryn Ann a great friend and love her dearly. Have we disagreed? Oh, you bet we've disagreed. Bigly. I was terribly disappointed when she fell in with the Mises crowd, but I understood why -- she was under attack (and I publicly supported part of that attack, her removal as LNC secretary); they came to her support/aid. I also predicted, more than once, maybe even on this blog, that she'd be thrown under the bus eventually, and that happened when she (checks notes) did her job as LNC secretary in defiance of the chair's wishes that no one on the LNC do their fucking jobs because doing their jobs would conflict with the Mises PAC's agenda. Our disagreements (and our agreements) are a river passing under a bridge, but the bridge is our friendship and that ain't going away. Got a hug with her at the national convention even though we were way in conflict because she happened to be wrong when I was right. Just sayin'.

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