Friday, October 25, 2024

I Learned Quite A Bit About One Aspect of Artificial Intelligence ... From A Motorcycle Video

And you can too!

Fascinating stuff.

Math has never been my strong suit, which is one of several reasons (booze and women being others) I quickly dropped from an unsuccessful run at an electrical engineering degree. But I've found AI interesting since the 1980s. In fact, my deficiencies in the math area led me to scam my way to a passing grade in a high school physics class with a 1985 paper on "The Tools of Artificial Intelligence."

Fortnine's motorcycle videos are heavy on the math and physics because, well, "Ryan Fortnine" (real first name, pseudonymous last name) majored in physics in college and actually passed, somewhere along the line acquiring great talent at presenting things interestingly and understandably.

Most of the time, that manifests in explaining more, well, physical aspects of motorcycles and motorcycling -- why this engine is more fuel efficient, what causes the infamous Harley Davidson Dyna Death Wobble, etc.

But this one explains how AI processes video input to identify and predict things. Very cool. And relevant to far more than motorcycles.

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