Thursday, October 10, 2024

You Had One Job, Netflix

I was happy to pay for Netflix. I wasn't always happy with what was or wasn't available, but it was a reasonably good deal. Been with them for more than 20 years, since back in the DVD by mail era.

Then, a few weeks ago, I got what sounded like good news: I was being automatically switched to an ad-supported plan, at a lower price! I don't mind ads.

Except: Now half the stuff I decide I want to watch isn't available unless I switch to a non-ad-supported plan at a price quite a bit higher than what I was paying before the ad-supported thing came out.

And: After producing what I personally found to be their most interesting series in a long time (KAOS), they've announced they're canceling it after one season.

My household probably spends more money than it should on streaming (although not nearly as much as we used to pay for cable), and Netflix used to be on the very bottom of my "if I decide to cancel a service it will be this one" list.

Now it's at or near the top.

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