Thursday, January 23, 2025

IMO, the "Common Cold" is Worse than Most Flu Variants

Woke up this morning feeling worse than yesterday -- more congested, developing a cough, etc. No fever at the moment, and the one yesterday was low-grade (just over 99 degrees).

I'm into (I think) the third day of this, which (along with having had my flu vaccine) makes me think it's the "common cold" rather than the flu.

Honestly, I prefer the flu. It's usually more severe, but it's also usually over in 24-72 hours, while "colds" tend to last 7-10 days.

Which means 7-10 days that I won't be riding the motorcycle (I haven't experienced any dizziness yet but that's not unusual for me when sick and a bad thing to happen while balancing on two wheels), 7-10 days I probably won't go out much if at all, etc.

I'm thinking I may feel well enough to get a Garrison Center column out today, if I don't get dizziness/head fog. We'll see. For now I'm doing the zinc/Vitamin C thing and hoping for the best.

Hopefully I'll feel well enough today or tomorrow to put the new hand grips and mirrors on the bike -- they're supposed to arrive today.

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