Friday, January 31, 2025

Frankly I'm Surprised ...

... that this is blog post #60 for the month. That cold or flu or whatever it was had me out of it enough, for long enough, that I just assumed I was way behind my "two posts a day" SOP.

I don't think this episode was nearly as bad as it could have been. Two of my neighbors have now given me "sick for nearly two weeks, off work for a week or more" accounts of the same basic symptoms in more or less the same time frame. I managed to mostly keep up with my basic job responsibilities (both neighbors have non-work-from-home, more physical, occupations than me, though).

I heard the second of those accounts while outside running the motorcycle's motor, checking tire pressure, etc. I'm not back at 100% yet, but I felt good enough see how a short ride went. Three miles to the nearest grocery store and back.

No problems. But I did take a nap when I got home, and felt like I needed that nap, so it's probably good that I had nixed "ride 50 miles, go on a hike, engage in other recreational activities, ride back next day" plans for the weekend.

I don't know if some changes I made to my medication/supplement regimen got me a little more back in the game, or if the bug was just coming to its end naturally, but I'm glad it's at least close to over.