Saturday, September 07, 2024

Yep, Still Riding

Put another 50 miles or so on the Italica Bulldog 150 today -- it's past 220 miles on its odometer so I should be ready for the initial 300-mile maintenance early in the week.

Today's two rides were over territory I knew well, unlike yesterday's. Which reminded me:

I'm probably going to want one of those Bluetooth headsets made for motorcycle helmets.

I keep my phone mounted on the bike's left handlebar (and I need a better holder for it -- I went cheap, and that was a mistake), and keep it plugged in to the vehicle's USB port when riding.

That's mainly been nice for being able to use a GPS speedometer app to find out how fast I'm actually going versus what the typically "generous" bike speedometer says.

But yesterday I used it for navigation, and it's really hard to hear instructions when zooming along at 50 miles per hour with a full-face helmet on.

I personally wouldn't use something like that to take phone calls or whatever while riding. I'm hoping I never get to a point where my full attention isn't on the environment around me and keeping the bike under control. But when I start going further abroad and to places I'm unfamiliar with, I'll want that navigation assistance and I'll want to be able to hear it.

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