Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Schrödinger's Car

Every car stopped at an intersection which you're approaching is simultaneously (in a probabilistic sense and from your point of view):
  1. Waiting for you to go by before turning;
  2. Turning in front of you at an unsafe distance even though you have right of way.
You do not know, and cannot know, which is the case until you're either safely past, or braking/swerving to avoid a collision.

While that's the case with all "approaching intersection at which car will be turning" situations, my own pet peeve is the driver who makes up his mind at the last possible second, burns rubber to get in front of me ... then immediately slows down to well below the legal speed limit.

If he was in such a hurry, why didn't he pull out earlier and more safely, and why is he now driving like old people fuck after scaring more gray into my hair?

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