Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Yes, More Bike Ponderings ...

And why not? I'm well on track to my "650 posts for the year" goal, and will get back to different kinds of content goodness once I get this burr out from under my fur.

This morning, I was about ready to say "screw it" and just order that 125cc "cafe cruiser" from Amazon, instead of a scooter

I'm scared of a "real motorcycle," but I keep coming up on "if you don't get over being scared, you lose." And since I no longer have higher-ranked NCOs, et al. yelling at me to do things like jump out of helicopters, off cliffs, and so forth, winning or losing versus the fear is entirely up to me.

Also, when it comes to personal presentation, I just look more like a "biker" than like a mod.

I just found a 1981 Honda CM200, local, for $1200. It's exactly the bike that one experienced rider friend started on, loves, and recommends.

Top speed about 71mph unless it's been re-sprocketed up front; with a change from 15 to 16 sprocket teeth, 75mph and comfortable 60mph cruise.

It's the kind of bike I wouldn't take on long freeway rides, but which (after a little while getting  used to riding and watching for any problems) I would expect to be able to drive 500 miles each way on smaller highways without worrying that it would shit the bed on me.

Financially, I could just barely swing it if I was willing to knock my personal cash reserve down. I'm iffy on that, and would appreciate any assistance (see "support" links in right sidebar).

Another possibility: If you're interested in buying some Bitcoin at a discount, or in getting any of the gift cards available at (that is a referral link -- we each get $5 in BTC if you join through me and spend $200), also at a discount, let me know. If you're someone I know/trust, I will send you the Bitcoin or gift card, then you can pay me cash via PayPal at, say, 10% off (current market value for Bitcoin, face value for gift card). I'm willing to liquidate up to $1200 in Bitcoin to make this happen. Email me at thomaslknapp at to make that happen.

Pic, if Facebook doesn't stop hotlinks:

Update, 3:15pm: Looks like things are moving. I just did a BTC transaction with a friend as described above. Hopefully the bike will 1) still be available by the time I'm able to get the cash out and 2) be what it's advertised as. If not, I'll find something else in the same price range.

Update, 9:25pm: I'm becoming less certain about that bike, at that price point. I see one missing part, and one part that likely needs replacing, and online I'm seeing a total of at least $300 to replace them, not including any labor that I might have to pay a mechanic to do. That gets the bike to $1,500 ... and a friend tells me he's been seeing fully restored ones for $2,200. That's before I've even evaluated (to the extent that I can) its mechanical condition. I'm hoping to buy something by Monday. Developing ...

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