Friday, August 16, 2024

Wow, That Was Quick ...

I figured the colonoscopy would be weeks or months away. Instead, it's next Friday, which is timing (Fridays, I'm basically "off work" for the most part).

Of course, there's a "pre-op evaluation" on Tuesday, which may impact my ability to keep a full work schedule. Guess we'll see.

Hopefully I'll be riding a NEW BIKE to the pre-op evaluation (I think that is going to happen either this afternoon or tomorrow morning), but since they give you the good drugs for the actual procedure, I guess I'll let Tamara drive me for that.

Between myself and Tamara, it looks like we have a full medical dance card through the end of the year. She's scheduled for thyroid surgery in late October, and we still don't have her ticker problem (bradycardia) figured out. Hopefully the colonoscopy on me returns a "have another one [insert period of time] from now," rather than "make sure your will is up to date, and hope you enjoy vomiting."

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