Friday, August 23, 2024

The End (In More Than One Way)

Well, that wasn't so bad:
  1. "We're about to start the propofol."
  2. "OK, all done, let me get your discharge paperwork."
The prep/wait was the bad part. The one prior colonoscopy had been canceled because I wasn't "clear" enough,  so I really went at it big-time. Basically 36 hours of nothing but liquids, and I did laxatives and the prescription prep stuff (which wasn't as nasty as I remembered it being). That had my blood sugar bouncing all over the place, etc., and I just felt bad pretty much the whole time.

One polyp removed, lab work to come. Otherwise, all good.

Based on my digestive history (which is not something I've ever bothered mentioning to a doctor), I had kind of expected to hear something like "celiac" or "IBD" or "Crohn's" more so than "colon cancer." But none of that. Apparently my innards are in pretty good shape and I just have a terrible diet. Come back in three years unless that polyp is something terrible.

I'm somewhat torn between "they're always terrorizing me with stuff about my heart, liver, intestine, etc. and it always turns out to be nothing" and "Tom, you have a pronounced tendency toward health panics."

I think I'll be back in the swing of things by tomorrow. Right now I just want a nap (I grabbed a horrible fast food meal on the way home because I was hungry). I do feel a little more rested after being under, but part of the long prep was not much sleep because I was up every hour to drink liquids. I suspect three hours will just about set me right.

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