Thursday, August 01, 2024

Just Noticed This Morning ...

... that I'm right at the thousand mile mark on the 50cc scooter.

That may not sound like a lot in eight months, but keep in mind that in that eight months I've taken about one 80-mile ride, one or two 40-mile rides, and then almost entirely rides in the general range of ten miles round trip.

This morning's ride, for example, was about 11 miles -- from my house to the post office in Archer, Florida and back. Sometimes I'll do a 3- to 6-mile round-trip ride to a nearby store or restaurant, sometimes five miles or so into  the near side of Gainesville (movie theater, Wal-Mart, Wendy's, that kind of thing), then home.

Another 400 miles or so until it's time for an oil change and gear oil change.

I think I'm about to get back on the "get my motorcycle license and something bigger" horse, at least if Bitcoin stops fucking around and hits, say, $80k. If I keep riding the 50cc, I'm going to need to start putting money into e.g. new tires and such. Which I'll do anyway if I pass it on to the kid, but my "daily driving" won't be affected by those considerations.

This Vespa is on the low end (150cc) of engine size I'm interested in, and it may have sold and the owner just forgot to take down the listing, but it's on the "possible" list, anyway, because Vespa.

Another possibility is this 200c Vitacci Clash 200cc. It has an advertised top speed of 68mph, but some reviews say that it really pushes to top 60mph. Not up to long-range freeway use, in other words. But plenty for the country highways in this area, or for longer trips if I avoid interstate highways.

Of course, the guy at my preferred local scooter shop (where I bought the 50cc) says he can find me a used 250cc in good condition at a reasonable price (he only keeps 50cc models in "new" stock, and "used" is whatever comes in the door unless he's looking for something for someone). I do prefer 1) local and 2) actual dealer, and this guy has been honest and helpful. So I may just do that. Especially since I can just go pay for everything (bike, tags, title, etc.) at one place instead of having to mess with DMV.

But, I guess, do the school and get the license first.

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