Monday, March 25, 2024

A Couple of Early Thoughts on the Libertarian National Convention

The formal theme of this year's Libertarian National Convention is "Become Ungovernable."

The real theme for most of the delegates I've been talking to is "OK, we shit the bed in 2022; this year, we're trying to hose ourselves off and get the stains out of the sheets."

Which, to me, means that, unlike most presidential nomination years, less media coverage is better.

I frankly doubt that he'd get the nomination, but I don't think that's the point from McArdle's vantage point.

I think the Mises PAC's goal (the Mises PAC currently controls the LNC, and McArdle was their pick for chair in 2022) is to make the Libertarian Party look so weird and stupid that even Donald Trump is preferable. And I've pretty much always thought that, and their actions have pretty much always tended to confirm it.

Some otherwise undecided voters would give up on the LP as a prospective vote this year if the party nominated RFK Jr. because he's "fringe." And if it didn't nominate him, other undecided voters would give up on the LP as a prospective vote because hell, what kind of party doesn't nominate someone with huge name recognition and, after his VP selection, possibly a lot of money?

Having him in the nomination mix is pretty much a lose-lose for the party, but a lose-win (if he's nominated, the votes lost probably go to Biden; if he's not nominated, the votes lost probably go to Trump) for the Mises PAC. And since they look set to lose control of the party, they're willing to take a chance on getting some more damage done on their way out.

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