Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Wordle 1110 Hint

Hint: When it comes to fried chicken, I prefer this piece, or the breast, to the leg or wing.

Not Enough? Get the first letter of today's Wordle after the ads below.

New to Wordle? You can play it at the New York Times, and here are some thoughts on how I go about solving each day's puzzle.

First Letter: T

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Come To Think Of It ...

... according to the US Supreme Court ruling in Trump v. United States, Joe Biden could declare Donald Trump an unlawful enemy combatant, drone strike his ass at Mar-a-Lago, Trump Tower, or the Republican National Convention, and unless the US House of Representatives impeached him for it (likely) and the US Senate convicted him of it (unlikely), he'd legally be golden.

It would clearly be an "official act," and moreover one for which there are clear precedents (e.g. Anwar al-Awlaki).

Wordle 1109 Hint

Hint: One thing embedded in another (for example, mother of pearl in Gibson guitar necks).

Not Enough? Get the first letter of today's Wordle after the ads below.

New to Wordle? You can play it at the New York Times, and here are some thoughts on how I go about solving each day's puzzle.

First Letter: I

Monday, July 01, 2024

Thanks For Asking! -- July 2024

It's monthly AMA time! Ask me anything (yes, anything) in the comment thread below this post, and I'll answer either in, or linked from, comments.

Wordle 1108 Hint

Hint: You know what they say about today's Wordle -- it's kinda proverbial.

Not Enough? Get the first letter of today's Wordle after the ads below.

New to Wordle? You can play it at the New York Times, and here are some thoughts on how I go about solving each day's puzzle.

First Letter: A