Monday, July 15, 2024

Word PSA

cowardly, adj. Wanting courage; basely or weakly timid or fearful; pusillanimous; spiritless.

George W. Bush in particular seems to have a problem using this word properly.

In 2001, he used it to describe 19 men, armed with nothing but boxcutters, seizing control of multiple airliners and crashing them at the inevitable and predictable cost of their own lives. The 9/11 hijackers were certainly evil, but they were hardly "cowardly."

Over the weekend, Bush doubled down on the word, using it to describe a 20-year-old who climbed up onto a roof with (so far as I know) nothing but a single rifle and attempted to assassinate a politician with one of the most well-armed, best-trained bodyguard details in human history, said detail including a counter-sniper team. I have no idea what Thomas Matthew Crooks's motivations were, but the suggestion that he lacked courage is clearly stupid. Doubly stupid coming from a guy who got Daddy to swing an Air National Guard billet for him to avoid fighting in Vietnam ... then deserted.