Nor am I inclined to reflexively write off "conspiracy theories" without actually looking at the supposed evidence for them.
So far, the evidence I've seen for a conspiracy in the Trump assassination attempt comes to:
Of course, me not having seen any evidence doesn't mean there isn't any evidence. If there is any evidence, and I see that evidence, I'll re-think.
Based on what I have seen, this so far looks like the work of a single, not very competent, wingnut who got far luckier than he had any right to expect to get, and still managed to fuck it up. Because:
- Bringing an AR-15 to a "sniper" situation is the equivalent of bringing a butter knife to a gunfight. It's a small-caliber round (barely larger than a .22 -- and if it is military-grade it is jacketed so as to tend to go through the target rather than mushrooming/fragmenting inside the target to produce more catastrophic injury). For sniper work you want at least a .30 caliber/7.62mm.
- Not being able to get a solid hit on a target the size of a fairly large human at 130 meters from a prone position is poor marksmanship even with an under-powered weapon like an AR-15. I guess the kid did fairly well if he was going for a head shot. But for that situation he should have been aiming center mass. He was clearly not properly trained for this thing.
So, let's think about this from two conspiracy standpoints:
- If the conspirators were, say, Democrats or Never-Trump Republicans who wanted to kill Trump, they would have either recruited a better shooter who could make the kill at that distance, or used a second shooter who could get the job done while Mr. Crooks was distracting the counter-sniper team.
- If the conspirators were MAGAts who wanted that heroic raised fist, etc., there wouldn't have been a shot that actually came anywhere near their hero, and certainly not within a couple of inches of killing him.
I'm open to evidence that tends to contradict those initial opinions. But those are my initial opinions.
And, of course, the obligatory disclaimer: I don't support political assassinations. I don't have a moral problem with murderous scumbags reaping the terrible karma they've sown, but I do have a moral problem with innocent bystanders being injured or killed. And as a practical matter I just don't think it's likely to produce good results.