Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Fairly Short and Hopefully Spoiler-Free Review -- Deadpool & Wolverine

TL;DR: I understand that the Marvel Cinematic Universe in general, and the X-Men and Deadpool's corners of it in particular, are tastes not everyone will be interested in acquiring (my son, for example, despises "cape shit"). But if you're into MCU/X-Men/Deadpool, you obviously can't miss this installment.

Longer Version: There isn't one, really.  I enjoyed it, but then I'm a big MCU/X-Men/Deadpool fan. There are supposedly lots of cameos, but I'd rate many of them as more than just cameos -- significant roles even if time-limited. I liked it enough that I may try to make it out for a second big screen viewing. Lots of big action/effect stuff to go with the five laughs per minute Deadpool norm.