And as I noted in that same post, I had added a couple of accessories to my Amazon Wish List to improve the experience.
Those items have been removed. I've got the Aeropress Flow Control Cap on the way (from Walmart, because I had a credit balance there), which should solve the minor problem I have using it to brew espresso.
The problem: The Aeropress drips. Whether you're using paper or metal filters, throwing some coffee grounds in and then pouring water over them results in pretty much instant "pour-over" brewing.
That's fine if you're just wanting drip coffee. But if you're wanting espresso, you need pressure. And if you're not using a high-pressure machine, you need the grounds to steep for at least a couple of minutes instead of dripping through the damn coffee.
There's a kludge that doesn't involve additional accessories: Set the thing up upside down, with the plunger barely inserted. Pour in your coffee, pour in your hot water, screw on the filter and filter cap, wait for the coffee to steep, then flip the thing over and press the plunger to create that pressure.
That kludge is imperfect for at least three reasons. One is that unless you get everything perfectly even and straight, the damn thing wants to fall over. Another is that when you flip it, you have to be careful that the plunger doesn't come out and pour water and coffee grounds all over the counter. And the third is that when you do flip it over, you're getting immediate drip before you start putting pressure on it.
Like the Prismo and the Joepresso, the existence of which seem to have motivated Aeropress to introduce their own version, the Flow Control Camp screws on to your Aeropress and holds all that liquid in until you put pressure on it. Without having to flip the thing over, and without "early dripping" before you start pressing.
So I'm expecting my Aeropress espresso to get both much better and much more convenient when it arrives.
There's still stuff on my Amazon Wish List, though, for those who want to shower me with love and gifts.