Sunday, April 23, 2023

Wow, It Only Took One Day ...

... for me to start having a previously familiar problem that it's good to have.

The ride home with the new bike yesterday was eight miles. Which isn't really very far, but it's been a long time since I've been in a situation where I couldn't just engage an electric motor when things started wanting more muscle than I wanted to put out.

This morning, I just went out for about two miles, and will likely do so again this evening. I'm determined not to overdo it and either blow my knees or just burn out. I don't plan on doing more than ten miles a day or so on average, or even ten miles in a given day unless I have a place I need to go and cycling there makes sense.

But anyway, a few minute ago I suddenly felt woozy and, yep, my blood glucose was at 65. Had to grab something sugary, quick, to keep it from falling into dangerous territory.

When I'm cycling regularly, I'm just ... no longer diabetic. My blood sugar may run a little high in the morning if I ate right before to going to bed (something I've been getting better at remembering not to do) or a little low in the early afternoon if I miss breakfast or whatever, but most of the day it's within normal parameters.

But when I first start cycling regularly, the effect is far more pronounced and I'll get wild drops down into the 70-ish range (I think this is the first time I've seen it as low as 65) and need to sugar up a little. I assume that's because muscles I hadn't been using much suddenly find themselves under a lot of strain and start burning glucose like crazy to rebuild every time I tear them down. And from what I've read, doing that regularly also results in newly built cells being less insulin-resistant than the ones they're replacing.

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