Tuesday, April 25, 2023

My Current Bike Goals ...

... which I am, so far, meeting:

  1. Complete one or two three-mile rides per day. I know from experience that once three miles isn't a problem at all, 30 miles isn't a big problem.
  2. Maintain an average speed of at least 10 miles per hour. That's not an excessive speed for a single-speed bike, and getting into a 10-mph rhythm is nice for trip time estimates. If I decide to go somewhere 20 miles away, allow myself at least two hours, and so forth.
By next week, I expect to make it one or two five-mile rides per day, with a couple of rest days per week.

And really, other than actual trips for good reason (I have a meeting downtown, I want a burger from some specific place, etc.), those are my only goals. If I'm doing five to ten miles per day, I should be building muscle, lowering blood sugar, and shedding fat. And either having fun (most likely) or at least not reducing my existing fun.

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