I'm not going to give up on the linen suit and Panama hat (seen here in a poor quality cell phone photo and worn with a black collarless shirt because the string tie hadn't arrived yet). I am, however, going to switch to bow ties, probably in black, red and fuchsia for different occasions. Maybe I can get some Rothbard mojo going.
Because I'm a cheapskate who enjoys sharing cool finds with other cheapskates, and because I got really good service, I'm going to put in a plug for the company I bought the string tie from. I plan to buy the bow ties there, too, unless they notice this post, designate me their Internet spokesmodel, and hook me up with all the ties I can eat (hint, hint).
They're called SolidColorNeckties.Com. Their main product line -- which is, as you might imagine, solid color neckties -- starts at $3.75 plus shipping and handling. I can't find a decent tie for less than five bucks used at a thrift store, so this sounds like a very good deal to me.
The string tie ran $4.95 plus shipping and handling for a total of $7.76. I chose the cheap (US Snail) shipping option. The receipt said it would take 4-7 days to arrive. It took two. The tie was well-made, fit comfortably (I got the band collar, not clip-on), and looked exactly like it was supposed to (calling forth the ghost of Colonel Sanders was my mistake). I have to assume the quality, etc. will be true of the other varieties of ties they sell.
So anyway, if you're looking for a cheap tie that doesn't look or feel cheap, SolidColorNeckties.Com are the go-to guys. I haven't received any comps or payments for saying so. Yet. They did enclose a nice pen with my order, though.
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