Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Yet Another Libertarian National Convention Update

I've been asked by a couple of friends why I think the LNC secretary has a bone to pick with me in particular as a delegate (she behind a credentials committee objection to my seating with Missouri on the basis of bylaws which she selectively quotes and -- seemingly intentionally -- misinterprets).

My answer: I don't think she does have a bone to pick with me in particular.

Ms. Harlos is not an idiot. She knows that "voting delegate" is the LEAST dangerous role I can fill. If I'm a voting delegate, I'm just one vote out of ~1000. If I'm not a delegate, I'll be out there doing the worker bee thing to support numerous delegates in taking back the party. And the seat I won't be in will almost certainly be taken by someone who votes similarly to the way I would (not identically, but an overall resemblance).

I just HAPPEN to be a convenient target for her attempts to set herself and the credentials committee up to replace the judicial committees of the state affiliates (and avenues of recourse available to those state affiliates for settling internal bylaws disputes) with their own preferences, in violation of the national bylaws.

Here's the thing: I'm going to be there.

I can be there doing the party's work directly as a voting delegate, or I can be there doing the party's work indirectly by helping one or more of the several groups that are trying to save the party from further centralization under the control of a hostile takeover cabal.

The latter would actually be more fun, as it would leave more time and opportunity to catch up with old friends, see sights, etc.

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