Tuesday, July 11, 2023

If I'd Known it Was Going to be One of THOSE Days, I Might Have Just Stayed in Bed

Woke up this morning. Started working.

About 8am, no Internet.

Reset router. Reset modem. No dice.

Call Cox, find out there's not an outage in my area, talk to a tech support guy who says it SEEMS like a signal issue, and they can send someone out. Tomorrow. COULD be the modem, if I feel like bringing it in to exchange it, I can try that.

So we get in Tamara's car -- which is acting strangely, but it's to be worked on this week -- and head for the cable office.

At 9:16am, I get a text informing me that there's an Internet outage in my area, that they're working on it, and that it should be fixed by 1:08pm.

But we're almost to the cable office, so why not exchange the modem for a new one (as they've been sending me mailers encouraging me to do for years) while we're at it?

Why not? I'll tell you why not: The cable company office doesn't open until 10am.

So we go home, I plug in the modem, and what do you know ... the Internet works.

But Tamara's old work laptop is having one of its occasional conniptions. She has a new work machine waiting on her to pick up, but she hasn't yet, probably because she hates change. Anyway, I just got the old thing running again, so she can work from home, so she doesn't have to be out and about in the car that needs attention.


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