Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Two Libertarian Party Questions and My Answers

Q: Should state Libertarian Parties act in accordance with their own rules/bylaws?

A: Absolutely.

Q: Do the Libertarian National Committee and the LNC-bylaws-empowered Judicial Committee enjoy jurisdiction to issue binding rulings on whether state Libertarian Parties (including those affiliated, or not affiliated, with the LNC) are acting in accordance with their own rules/bylaws, and/or to compel such action?

A: Absolutely not.

The LNC is not the parent organization of the state Libertarian Parties.

The LNC is a mutual affiliation mechanism created by and for the benefit of those state Libertarian Parties.

And just to be clear for the nth time, the problem of the LNC getting too big for its britches and trying to order the affiliated state parties around is not a new problem, nor is it unique to the Mises-PAC-dominated iteration of the LNC. It's been going on for at least two decades and change now. It's just been getting much worse over the last year or so, starting before the Mises PAC took control.