Monday, March 24, 2025

Minor Motorcycle Situations Corrected

The new mirrors arrived yesterday, so I changed out the old hand grips for the new, mounted the mirrors, and took a quick test ride.

The prior hand grips weren't defective per se, but I made a mistake in the way I put them on, and also had to cut a tiny sliver off one of the throttle side end to keep the throttle from sticking.

The mistake was that I used WD-40 to get them to slide on ... and even after the WD-40 dried, the grips would twist a little under any pressure. This time, I did it the right way -- borrowed my daughter's hairspray. When that stuff is wet it helps the grips slide on. When it dries, it acts like a glue. No more slippage.

The mirrors are very nice -- ball joints instead of just a notched swingy-thing for adjustment (at highway speed, the left mirror would buckle out of position with the old pair), a blue tint, and a little gold accent that doesn't quite match the bike but works.