But in order for him to be charged with "attempted coercion and enticement of a minor to engage in prostitution," those charging him should have to produce an actual minor that he actually attempted to coerce/entice.
He was snared by cops in Bloomington on March 17 after allegedly thinking he was meeting up with a 17-year-old girl he was messaging, which turned out to be an undercover officer.
"Sting operations" are lazy substitutes for real police work.
If we're going to allow tax-funded police to exist at all, their job should be to investigate actual crimes after discovering probable cause to believe those actual crimes have actually been committed, not e.g. wander around with bags of oregano or powdered sugar trying to get someone to "attempt to buy drugs," or put adult officers in chat rooms trying to get someone to "solicit sex with a minor," or whatever.
There are plenty of real crimes, real perpetrators, and real victims out there. Eichorn might be one of the perpetrators, but the adult cop cosplaying as jailbait instead of investigating crimes isn't one of them.