Saturday, October 22, 2022

One Reason I'm Posting Today ...

... see previous post on what I think is a statin side effect ...

Is that I do want to write, but I don't want to write for widespread publication and then find out that I was (by my own standards) raving like a lunatic or missing more than the usual number of typos.

I had also planned to record a podcast yesterday -- the return of The KN@PP Stir! -- and decided not to do so for two reasons: 1) I might end up raving like a lunatic even by my standards, and 2) I was afraid I'd fall down and smoosh my laptop/mic/etc. while hauling the stuff out to my "outdoor studio."

So: Please let me know in comments how the writing looks today. There may be more posts, and gathering that kind of data is the purpose. Typos? Stuff that doesn't make any goddamn sense? I need to know, if for no other reason than that I really want to get a Garrison column out tomorrow and need either the confidence to write it or the information to know I shouldn't. The only thing I can say for sure at the moment is that these posts are taking 1.5-2 times as long to write as they usually do, in part because I'm obsessively checking myself (and finding more typos than I usually expect to find) and in part because my brain keeps telling me I should be lying down and listening to Pink Floyd.

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