Monday, February 05, 2024

Neither Especially Positively Nor Negatively Impressed ...

I had occasion last night to consume fast food from a fairly limited range of options (due to geographic considerations -- we were in a particular area) and decided to give Burger King's new Candied Bacon Whopper a try because, well, bacon.

I didn't hate it.

I didn't love it either.

It's a Whopper. Generally speaking, I consider that a decent fast food burger. Not my favorite, but not hated.

It comes standard (I didn't do a custom order) with candied bacon, sweet bacon jam, crispy onions, garlic aoli, lettuce, and tomatoes.

I removed the tomatoes because I don't like tomatoes on burgers. If I'd noticed that it came with them, I would have done a "hold to tomatoes" custom order.

After that, it was basically a Whopper that was just too sweet to be distinctive. The crispy onions, which I'm usually not a fan of, were inoffensive but not especially noticeable. I couldn't taste the garlic aoli at all. So, a Whopper with lettuce and some very, very, very sweet baconstuff -- so sweet that it didn't strike me as bacon at all, just sweet stuff.

My disappointment was not immeasurable, nor was my day ruined. But if I had it to do over again, I'd have just ordered a regular old Whopper.

But if you like your burgers with sickly-sweet stuff on them, you might want to give it a try.

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