This morning, the Marijuana Policy Project called upon shoppers across the country to join in a boycott of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., in order to protest the unjust and potentially unlawful firing of Joe Casias, a 29-year-old medical marijuana patient and sinus cancer survivor who suffers from an inoperable brain tumor.
After dutifully working at a Wal-Mart in Battle Creek, Michigan, for five years, Casias was suddenly terminated because he tested positive for marijuana during a drug screening administered after he sprained his knee on the job.
Read the rest of the release and let Wal-Mart CEO Michael Duke know what you think over at MPP's site.
"Teachable moment" stuff for you parents out there: I'm not a big Wal-Mart fan myself, but my oldest son wants to go straight there any time he has money in his pocket. Or, rather, that's how it was until I showed him this story a few minutes ago. Now I'm not sure he'd piss on Wal-Mart if it was on fire.