Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Everything Old is New Again, Florida Sales Tax Edition

In a supposed "fact check," The Dispatch's Cameron Hilditch disputes the claim that Florida governor Ron DeSantis signed a "new tax" into law. It was just a way of getting more compliance, not a "new tax," Hilditch says.

Here's the change:

At one time, if I purchased something from out of state, the state of Florida expected me to fill out a form and mail it the 6% sales tax it claimed I "owed." Yeah, like that was going to happen.

Under the newer law, if I purchase something from out of state, the out of state business has to collect the 6% sales tax from me and send it to Florida's extortion nexus.

A tax that the state can't and doesn't collect isn't a tax.

A tax that the state can and does collect is a tax.

So we're talking about two different taxes here -- one imaginary and one real.

And the real one is "new" versus the imaginary "old" one.

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