Wednesday, January 06, 2016

The Garrison Center: My Story and I'm Sticking to It

Last night, I decided it was time to see how well The William Lloyd Garrison Center for Libertarian Advocacy Journalism performed at its basic mission over its first 11 months of existence (the first Garrison op-ed went up on January 29, 2015). That is, how many times was Garrison content re-published or cited in "mainstream media" and non-libertarian political publications?

Well, I have a confession to make. I'm not that good at counting. Or at least not that good at separately counting, then adding up, items from 143 posts spread over 47 site pages. So I counted three times, and each time I came up with a different number. None of those numbers was as low as 540; none of those numbers was as high as 550; so I'm going to assert, although it may be off by one or two, that the Garrison Center's content was re-published/referenced/cited in newspapers and non-libertarian political publications 545 times last year.

Spread out over 11 months, that means Garrison Center content was "picked up" an average of 1.6x times per day, every day, seven days a week.

I wasn't expecting to do that well. I was hoping to hit 50 pickups in a month by the end of the year. Instead, we made it in April and averaged 49.x pickups per month over those eleven months.

This year, I'd like to have a 100-"pickup" month (the best so far has been, IIRC, 73). In 2017, I'd like to average more than 100 per month.

You know where this is going, right? I put considerable time and effort into this OUTREACH project. That's time and effort I can't be putting into other things. And I have to eat. So if putting libertarian op-eds in non-libertarian media strikes you as a good OUTREACH project, and if you think I'm doing a good job at it, why not pop over to the top of the sidebar and support my work? Thanks in advance!

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