- Capital Punishment Means Unlimited Government (by me)
- One Cheer for Obama on the Keystone XL Boondoggle (by me)
- Rule by Experts is More Dangerous Than Measles (by me)
- Abolitionism Was, and Still is, No Failure (by Joel Schlosberg)
So far, two of them have been picked up to run in "mainstream media" publications (I link pickups at the bottom of each piece) and I've been interviewed by a Colombian newspaper (presumably as an "expert" or "opinion leader" of sorts) on the politics of Keystone XL.
My goal is to publish three op-eds each week, probably on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. I picked those days for reasons having to do with my own evaluation of how "the news cycle" works; if that evaluation doesn't pan out, I'll recombobulate the posting schedule.
I've already heard from two editors that they'll be running today's op-ed (Joe Biden's Dangerous Game), so I'm expecting an even better second week.
The William Lloyd Garrison Center for Libertarian Advocacy Journalism doesn't seek or accept contributions. In setting it up, I decided it would just be easier to keep it free of various state entanglements like 501(c)(3) paperwork and so forth so I can just concentrate on the work. If you want to support the Center, you can do so by supporting its authors as individuals. I'll eventually get some kind of "tip jar" set up over at the Center's site, but of course you can always support me from the sidebar right here at KN@PPSTER.