Friday, February 06, 2015

Ad Experiment Next

So, as you will probably notice -- because it's very much designed to be notice, that's the whole point -- I've gone from having a network ad in the sidebar to having a network ad that pops up at the bottom of your screen.

Hey, ads are always a work in progress. According to the service I use (Qadabra), these "rich media ads" can be "up to 500 times as profitable as regular display ads" (or something like that). Which sounds pretty good. Hey, I could go from pennies a day to five dollarses a day in ad revenues!

But of course I'm cool with input on user experience. Let me know if you love'em, hate'em, don't care ...

Per most any ad network's terms of service, I'm prohibited from artificially driving clicks to the ads, to include asking my readers to click on them. So of course I won't do that, and of course I discourage you from clicking on any ad that doesn't interest you.

And now, for your viewing pleasure, a cartoon.