Sunday, December 14, 2014

A First Step Toward Writing Discipline

Starting a week from tomorrow, I plan to write -- excluding email correspondence, comments on Facebook,  block quotes of other writers' material, etc.; in other words actually write -- a minimum of 2,000 words a day through the end of the year. Forgive me for omitting details as to why and just offering the generality: I'm expecting a week of relative peace, quiet and freedom to do whatever the hell I feel like doing, and I am planning in advance to make myself feel like writing.

By way of working up to and getting the creative juices flowing toward that 2,000 words per day level, I'm starting today at a minimum of 500 words per day. KN@PPSTER is moving more toward a central role as "author platform" for me, so I suspect you'll see quite a bit of that 500 words a day here. But not all of it. I hope to knock out at least two or three C4SS op-eds and a couple of fiction "story snippets" to show to my Patreon supporters.

Am I featherbedding already by including this post in my first day's 500 word count? You betcha. But it does have a real purpose. Consider this a bleg for topic/venue suggestions. I'm pretty sure any subject I care to write on can be turned into something worth publishing or posting somewhere. C4SS is first venue for anything relevant to market anarchism, of course, but I'd like to get back to being able to "spread the verbiage around" some.

Putting together the 20-year collection was a little like a blast of cold water in the face. Circa 1995-2000, I wrote for a variety of newspapers, web sites, web "zines," print magazines, etc. Since then, I've tended to concentrate on one venue at a time for months or years at a stretch, even if that venue happened, like C4SS, to act as a "gateway" to other publications. I'd like to get back to a little more diversity on that front.

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