A little while back, I ordered this ...
... from Amazon via Purse (affiliate link).
It's an Applecreek mountain dulcimer (not an affiliate link).
Price (before my Purse discount), $48.
It arrived. Damaged. Headstock completely broken off.
When you return items purchased through Purse, Amazon refunds the price directly to you in US dollars to your Amazon balance, rather than in cryptocurrency via Purse, so I actually made a buck or two on the transaction.
But what I really wanted was the dulcimer. So when I saw this morning that my refund had been processed, I went to re-order it.
"This item is only available from third-party sellers."
From $119.
I want the dulcimer, but I don't want it $119 bad, just $48 bad.
I don't know if they're just temporarily out of stock or if they've decided to stop carrying it. I do see the same instrument elsewhere for about the same price, but my money isn't elsewhere, it's at Amazon.
I guess I'll wait and see if they get it back in at the regular price. If not, maybe I'll buy a decent ukulele or something with the money.