Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Ad Hoc Symposium #2

From Thomas Paine's The Rights of Man:

Whatever is the cause of taxes to a Nation, becomes also the means of revenue to a Government. Every war terminates with an addition of taxes, and consequently with an addition of revenue; and in any even of war, in the manner they are now commenced and concluded the power and interest of Government are increased. War, therefore, from its productiveness, as it easily furnishes the pretence of necessity for taxes and appointments to places and offices, becomes a principal part of the system of old Governments; and to establish any mode to abolish war, however advantageous it might be to Nations, would be to take from such Government the most lucrative of its branches. The frivolous matters upon which war is made shew the disposition and avidity of Governments to uphold the system of war, and betray the motives upon which they act.

After which he goes off the rails by assuming that "republics" are different. But anyway ... discuss!