Sunday, August 26, 2012

Ad Hoc Symposium #1

From Pierre-Joseph Proudhon's What is Property?, as translated from the French by Benjamin R. Tucker:

Finally, a book appeared, summing up the whole matter in these two propositions: What is the Third Estate? -- Nothing. What ought it to be? -- Everything. Some added by way of comment: What is the king? -- the servant of the people.

This was a sudden revelation: the veil was torn aside, a thick bandage fell from all eyes. The people commenced to reason thus: --

If the king is our servant, he ought to report to us;
If he ought to report to us, he is subject to control;
If he can be controlled, he is responsible;
if he is responsible, he is punishable;
If he is punishable, he ought to be punished according to his merits;
If he ought to be punished according to his merits, he can be punished with death.

Discuss ...