Monday, August 27, 2018

Let Us Now Praise Darryl W. Perry ...

... who is of course listed on my Wall of Supporters as the Original Podcast Patron (he paid the first two years of Soundcloud hosting fees).

Darryl just made a substantial contribution to the Send Tom and Tamara to See Bob Dylan Fund, let me know that I needed to change my Bitcoin Cash address (the address protocol has changed), and reminded me (when I asked for any quid pro quo opportunities) to tout his upcoming run in the New York City Marathon, which he's doing as a fundraiser for The Innocence Project.

I've donated some to Darryl's fundraiser previously and will likely donate more. I hope you will too. A slightly longer explanation of what's going on:

There are various ways to get into the New York City Marathon. One of them is to become part of a fundraising team for a worthy organization and to raise some specified amount for that organization.

Darryl chose the Innocence Project. He's met his fundraising goal, but that's just a minimum. The more the better, especially for an organization uses DNA evidence to exonerate and free wrongly convicted inmates --  more than 350 so far, including 20 from death row.

Darryl arrived a day later than I did to the Libertarian Party's 2018 national convention after stopping along the way to place first in his age group in a marathon shorter race in Alabama, Mississippi. so* I'm confident that he'll have a great race in New York City on November 4th. Let's help him make the most of it.

Step 1: Support the Innocence Project via Darryl at


Step 2: All of the money Darryl is raising via the above link goes to the Innocence Project. If you'd like to help with his personal expenses (traveling to and staying in New York City isn't cheap!), or support one of his other projects, check out Liberty Lobby LLC (Darryl is a crowd-funded liberty lobbyist in New Hampshire!) or the "shop" options at Free Press Publications.

* My mistake.

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