Saturday, January 04, 2020

Went Back to the Thrift Store Where I Bought That $5 Classical Guitar ...

... and this time they had a $5 electric guitar.

It's an interesting little thing: A First Act instrument (most prominently sold at Walmart, aimed at youths/novices), with a built-in speaker and headphone jack (powered by a 9-volt battery) in addition to a regular instrument output jack. 21.5" scale, cutaway makes it accessible to the 12th fret.

I haven't been able to get it to stay in tune yet, but I've only played with it for a few minutes. I'm not expecting much from it, but for five bucks it was worth the price for parts (tuning machines, etc.) to use on my own builds. Or, if it does stay in tune and the intonation is OK, to keep next to my desk and grab when I see something online I want to play, or play along with.