First new thing: A weekly podcast, KN@PPSTER: Fridays Live at Five.
This isn't going to be one of those short one-man pre-recorded jobs like some of the Gcast stuff I've done before. Think live call-in-enabled "talk radio" with guests. No video yet, but that may be coming as well. Now that I've finally upgraded to 21st century Internet (yes, I was on dialup from 1994 all the way up to the last week of 2008), I can do things I wasn't able to do before.
Premiere episode on January 9th at 5pm (Central US time zone). Topic: US foreign policy and the incoming administration of president-elect Barack Obama.
There's a show "player" in the sidebar. I'm not quite happy with it, but NowLive's "widget" installation utility doesn't seem to want to work and play well with the latest version of Flash, so I had to take a circuitous route to get the damn thing at all. I'll try to get a nicer version up ASAP.