Awhile back, I briefly reviewed Lightspeed Consumer Panel for Kn@ppster's readers. Being an affiliate and all, I figure it's time for another pump.
If anything, my favorable impression of Lightspeed has grown. I've continued to rack up "points" and "prizes" (when you complete a survey, you get points which are redeemable for cash, Amazon.Com gift certificates, etc. -- I usually go with the Amazon certificates). It's typical consumer research stuff (i.e. answer questions about products you use, view ads and give feedback, etc.). If you have kids, there a fairly frequent opportunities to have them weigh in on toys, snack foods and such. No commitment, no obligation; when there's a survey, you get an email, and you can participate or not -- but if you don't respond reasonably quickly, they may reach their quota and you may not get to do it.
As an affiliate, I've received one check ($16.50). They pay monthly, any time your balance is more than $15.00. If someone signs up and completes a survey through my affiliate link (hint, hint), I get a credit of 75 cents.
Anyway, the program is still going, still paying, and still worth your time if you don't mind putting in 10-20 minutes now and then to pick up some neat little spiffs. I participate in other survey programs, but none has had a return like Lightspeed (most of them seem to offer entries in "prize drawings" only -- Lightspeed has drawings too, but there's also a real payoff for everyone, which is a big difference).
Check it out.