Wednesday, December 28, 2005

FMNNClips, Correx and Other Stuff

Still waiting on that new computer system (and waiting impatiently, but recognizing that this is a busy season for sellers and shippers, so not too impatiently. I also finally had to change ISPs this morning -- my old one was down one too many times for two too many hours, but my new one stepped in with quick, efficient account setup and (so far, on the basis of a few hours) fine service. All of this, of course, to further explain why you're not hearing a lot from Kn@ppster this week.

Over at Free Market News Network, I've got a couple of newer pieces up that I haven't blogged/blogged about yet: "Asking the wrong questions, getting the wrong answers" is about the old "liberty versus security" argument, and it produced feedback (included at the bottom of the article) which required a reply (as a matter of fact, it may require more than one!).

FMNN also "reprinted" my earlier Kn@ppster piece "Disturbing? Not" -- which elicted feedback itself, and brought to my attention a correction which needs to be made. I wrote:

The radiation monitoring, by all accounts, has taken place exclusively on 'public' property ...

But as Dale R. points out, I was wrong. According to Newsweek:

In numerous cases, the monitoring required investigators to go on to the property under surveillance, although no search warrants or court orders were ever obtained, according to those with knowledge of the program.

... and that dog won't hunt. If the feds have probable cause, they can get a warrant -- it's not like the FISA court is a difficult hurdle. If they don't have probable cause, they have no business on private property.