I've been meaning to sign up with Kiva for a long time, but never got around to it until tonight ... oddly enough after reading this downer of an article (hat tip -- memeorandum, not that the bastards ever link to me any more).
I don't have a lot of money, but I just took on a little extra work and figure that there are worse things to invest $25 in than a trio of ladies in Nicaragua who want to upgrade the food stands they own/operate.
The overall Kiva repayment rate is 98.86%. The org I loaned through there shows a high delinquency rate (31.33%), but a non-existent default rate, which I take to mean that I'll almost certainly get my money back, but perhaps not as quickly as the repayment plan calls for.
Now that I'm a member of the exploitative banker class, I guess I need to invest in top hat, stickpin, spats and a droll body servant with an authentic British accent. So there goes the rest of that little windfall.